
Friday, March 16, 2012

awfully irrational...or rational?

what have i been searching? Every cloud is but part of the sky...attachment is what causes all the pain! But clouds are clouds, they appear, drift away, and disappear! I've been awfully imprudent and irrational; and who knows it better than me? But we play the roles life assigns to us, don't we? Makes no sense! Let me put it this way...why does a person prefer black to pink, or coffee to tea? Is there, or can there be a rational justification for one's choices? We simply make them, don't we?Rationality comes into the picture later...All you've gotta do is to employ the best means to achieve the chosen goal. That's what rationally means, doesn't it? Where then is the question of right and wrong? The only significant question is, "what alternatives do you have?" And if you're left with no alternative but "being irrational", well...then isn't that irrationality rational?

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