
Thursday, November 1, 2012

decent guys

When it rains…
They meet,
- far away from the world of “is”
-the symbol of an imperceptible ought…
very much existent,
palpably present..
in another dimension…
when it rains…
and the lazy sun lies under fluffy blankets
half-asleep, half-awake…
they secretly meet
beyond the gaze of the world..
at a place where wakefulness merges with sleep..
and reality unites with thought
when it rains…
they say nothing…
like in the world of “is”
they speak to every “is” nd play it cool…
but never to the ones close to their ought..
it makes them feel like a fool…
but when it rains…
they do meet
in another dimension-
from where they return
with a smile,
and move on…
life goes on...
in the world of “is”
where they never meet…
and perhaps they never will,
and its good!
they’ll create another world..
a world more beautiful,
they always do..
and once again they will..
one more story…
one more song…
one more painting…
a world of art…
where they meet
and “is” becomes one with “ought”
who are they?
seekers of some ought?
no certainly not...
they're a distinct class of morons-
there are no "hows" nd "whys"
they're born-lovers of insanity-
the so-called decent guys!

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