when I saw u smile,
I saw in you a child,
I felt an urge to kiss you,
with no intentions wild;
But alas! your radiant eyes,
might drive me into vice,
I am an innocent dreamer,
or a sinner in disguise?
I took a turn to go back,
my mind had lost the right track,
Then something pulled me close to you,
what was it I never knew,
So, choiceless I must kiss you,
I said, so, to myself,
I had to do it anyway,
even if it brought me death
The moment threw me miles away,
Oh!! your nauseating BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORAL OF THE STORY- "not brushing ur teeth, can save you from VAGABONDS"
use COLGATE, smile '24x7'
conclusion of the reader is dat u should write likewise more n more incredible songs , poems or stories, as u r having d character of ingenuity,fancy n all
he he he very cute
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